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Grant Proposal Critiques

Grant Proposal Critique Review

Make your good proposal even better.

Laura's objective proposal review will give you a fresh perspective.

Her words of advice will help you take your grant writing to a new level.

Does your proposal read well for your target audience?

Laura is a former program officer. That means she knows what funders are looking for when they read proposals. She also knows what they don't want to see. And that can make the difference between a proposal that's funded or not funded.

When Laura reviews your grant proposal, she's looking for several things:

  • typos, spelling, grammar, punctuation
  • general readability
  • overall clarity, consistency, tone and flow
  • jargon or concepts that may not be familiar outside your organization
  • adherence to the funder's formatting recommendations or requirements

Your proposal critique will include the following:

  • a summary of your proposal's strengths and weaknesses
  • suggestions for improvement
  • recommendations for revisions
  • helpful hints that will help you make every proposal you write better

Yes, I want Laura to critique my next grant proposal!

What nonprofits say...

Laura has provided detailed and constructive feedback on grants that I write. I especially like the tips and tricks about how to write for reviewers. I feel so much better about my grant narratives now!

I just got a $22,400 grant ...I can't thank you enough for how you've helped me with finally getting some success with foundation funding. 

This has been a wonderful process to go through with you! You provided a lot of help and insight! I've learned a ton and am very excited about this grant! I've reviewed your comments and edits and feel SOOO much better about this!

Laura provided very detailed, constructive help and support that was timely and within the schedule she committed to. Her guidance not only helped create a polished application, but we learned techniques and tips so that our next application will go much smoother, so it was an excellent learning experience. We will definitely work with Laura again in the future.

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5 Grammar Rules That Were Made to Be Broken by Fundraisers
When you think about grammar, you probably think about subject-verb agreement, correct comma usage, and such. The problem is good grammar doesn't make for very good fundraising writing. Of course, there are still rules and best practices that fundraising writers should follow. But other rules were made to be broken. This post addresses the latter. (read more)